5 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Riksma Akhlan (2019), Pengembangan Strategi Partisipasi Aktif untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Anak Cerebral Palsy Spastik di SLB D YPAC Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd Ko Promotor: Dr. Endang Rochyadi, M.Pd Anggota: dr. Hamidie Ronald Daniel Ray, M.Pd, Ph.D, AIFO Layanan akademik dan perkembangan untuk anak-anak dengan cerebral palsy harus berjalan seiring. Layanan pengembangan keterampilan motorik dapat diberikan oleh para guru di sekolah. Layanan ini membutuhkan strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa dan sistem kerja yang terorganisir. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan strategi pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan perkembangan motorik, yaitu kesadaran diri, pelepasan ketegangan dan kontrol postur pada siswa cerebral palsy spastik. Strategi pembelajaran ini disebut strategi partisipasi aktif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Mixed-Method Exploratory Sequential Design, yang dilakukan dari Juni 2017 hingga Juni 2018. Strategi ini merupakan perluasan pendekatan medis dan pendidikan. Perluasan kedua pendekatan tersebut menjadikan strategi ini memiliki pendekatan interdisipliner dalam proses pengembangan layanan. Strategi partisipasi aktif terdiri dari tiga tahap, yaitu tahap penilaian, tahap pengembangan program, dan tahap implementasi program layanan. Strategi telah diterapkan pada empat anak cerebral palsy spastik berusia 6 - 12 tahun. Praktisi strategi adalah para ahli (dokter), guru sumber, guru komponen, orang tua, kepala sekolah, dan tim asesmen. Mereka adalah komponen di sekolah. Intervensi dilakukan oleh guru sumber, guru komponen dan orang tua. Strategi dalam penelitian ini terbukti efektif karena telah terus diterapkan di sekolah dan dampak layanan pembelajaran pada siswa menunjukkan hasil yang positif. Kata kunci : cerebral palsy spastik, kesadaran diri, kontrol postur duduk, pelepasan ketegangan, strategi partisipasi aktif ABSTRACT Riksma Akhlan (2019), Active Participation Strategy to Enhance Motoric Development Student with Spastic Cerebral Palsy at Special School for the Physically Challenged. Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Sunaryo Kartadinata, M.Pd Co-Promotor: Dr. Endang Rochyadi, M.Pd Member: dr. Hamidie Ronald Daniel Ray, M.Pd, P.Hd, AIFO Academic and developmental services for children with cerebral palsy must go hand in hand. Development services in motoric skills can be provided by the teachers at school. The services require a learning strategy that can fulfill the needs of children with cerebral palsy and organized work systems. The purpose of this study was to develop a learning strategy to enhance the ability of self-awareness, release tension and sitting postural control in children with cerebral palsy. The learning strategy is called an active participation strategy. The study used a mixed-method approach with exploratory sequential design., from June 2017 to June 2018. The strategy was an expansion of medical and educational based-approaches. The expansion of two approaches makes the strategy have an interdisciplinary approach in developing services process. The active participation strategy consists of three steps, i.e. assessment, development of services program, and implementation. The intervention was applied to four children with cerebral palsy, aged 6-12 years old. The strategy practitioners were experts (doctors), source teacher, component teachers, parents, principals, and assessment team. Interventions were carried out by the source teacher, component teachers, and parents. The strategy in this study finds to be effective as it has continuously implemented at school and the impact of learning services on students shows positive results. Keywords: cerebral palsy spastic, active participation strategy, body awareness, release tension, sitting postural contro

    Penerapan Program Perkembangan Bina Diri Dalam Memakai Pembalut Pada Anak Dengan Hambatan Intelektual

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan dengan permasalahan yang terjadi dilapangan pada anak dengan hambatan intelektual dalam kemandirian. Bina diri merupakan kemampuan anak dalam mengurus diri, menolong diri dan merawat diri sehingga anak dapat melksanakan kegiatan sehari – hari tanpa bergantung dengan orang lain. Salah satu bina diri merawat diri yaitu menggunakan pembalut. Dapat diketahui bahwa pemakai pembalut ini berkaitan denga mainstruasi (haid). Menstruasi (haid) adalah perdarahan periodik dan periodik dari rahim dengan terlepasnya endometrium terjadi pada perempuan yang sudah mengalami pubertas. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan observasi pada pihak sekolah untuk mengetahui implemtasi bina diri dan kesiapan sekolah. Berdasarkan observasi terdapat anak dengan hambatan intelektual yang sudah memasuki usia pubertas, oleh karna itu peneliti tertarik untuk membuat rancangan program bina diri dalam memakai pembalut untuk di implementasikan oleh guru yang menjadi fasilitator. Program ini selaras dengan pengertian Problem Based Learning. Program ini bertujuan untuk anak mampu merawat diri sendiri tanpa bantuan orang lain. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode campuran atau kombinasi (mixed methods) yang menggambungkan antara data kuantitaif dan data kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian pada siswa SDLB kelas 5 dengan jumlah subjek 1 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes. teknik analisis datanya menggunakan statistik deskriptif yang dituangkan ke dalam grafik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penerapan program prmbrlajran bina diri dalam memakai pembalut dengan metode Problem Based Learning berhasil. Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil pada pretest dan postets yang dilakukan menunjukan peningkatan yang signifikan

    Development of Functional Academic Assessment Instruments for Students with Intellectual Disabilities Transition Program

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    The phase transition from formal education to living in society for students with intellectual disabilities still leaves many problems. At the high school level, academic learning should support the skills given to students with intellectual disabilities during the transition period. Assessment is an important part that a teacher must carry out before preparing a lesson plan. A qualified assessment instrument will help teachers in the process of finding student learning needs. This study aims to develop a functional academic assessment instrument that is valid and practical to support data collection for learning purposes. The development model used is the ADDIE model with the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate stages. The results showed that the assessment instruments in the functional academic field consisted of the aspects of reading, writing, and arithmetic accompanied by guidelines for their use. The results of expert validation and product practicality tests carried out on the developed instruments are categorized as very valid, practical, and effective. Therefore, the instrument can be used as a guide in assessing learning needs in transition programs for students with intellectual disabilities

    Analysis of Assessment Results of Cerebral Palsy Children with Barriers to Complex Communication Needs

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    This study describes the analysis of assessment results in cerebral palsy children with barriers to complex communication needs. The assessment used is a developmental assessment on motor, cognitive, and language aspects. The research was conducted using qualitative descriptive research. Based on the results of assessments conducted on cerebral palsy children with complex communication needs barriers, a child profile related to the child's potential, obstacles, and needs can be formulated. Where the child's profile is useful for designing communication programs for complex communication needs children so that it can help them communicate both using expressive language and receptive language. Keywords: analysis of assessment results, cerebral palsy, complex communication need

    Development of Flash Card Media to Improve Expressive Language Skills in Children with Motor Impediments

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    The problems of children with motor disabilities who experience expressive language difficulties need to get the right solution so that these difficulties can be overcome and get learning services that suit their abilities and needs. Based on these problems the researcher developed Flash Card media which has a very important role to make it easier for children to perceive something. One of the difficulties in learning to read technically is because it is difficult to think abstractly, so the teacher can work around this by using media that is in accordance with the goals and material being taught. The way to overcome these problems is to develop learning media that are suitable for children's abilities. Media is needed to make it easier for children with motor impairments to learn. The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach